ScaredyBrat Style | Glitter 

I have always been a sucker for glitter, I think it stemmed from my adoration of Ke$ha throughout my teen years. Sometimes I’d take some glitter out with me and just douse myself and other people in it.

@jmae_sophie wearing Misty & rocking some shimmery brows

I loved the look that Jamie created (pictured above) using our Misty wig. The subtle shimmer on the eyelids and glittery brows had me overwhelmed, I love seeing people use their ScaredyBrat wigs to put together creative and gorgeous looks.

Whether is a subtle sweep of a shimmery highlight along the cheekbone, a dab on and below the eyelids or a full on bath in glitter I’ll always be a keen supporter of the glitter look.

How do you feel about incorporating glitter into your make up routine? Let me know in the comments below!

Lots of love,



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  1. I have never really used glitter for make up, but it’s beautiful! I would love to try it out sometime 🙂

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